lesson image

Among the Ojibwa Indians there are priests or medicine men who pretended to cure diseases. They also pretended to talk to their gods and other spirits. They have many ways of deceiving the Indians.

Mr. Alexander Henry, while a prisoner among the Ojibwa Indians, was present when the tribe he was with asked advice of the Great Turtle, which is one of the gods they believed in.

The Ojibwa Indians had heard that there was an English army coming against them. They were very much afraid, because they had killed or taken prisoner all the English in Fort Mackinaw. They wished to send messengers to make peace with the Europeans, but they were afraid the Europeans would kill their messengers. In this state of mind, they asked the Great Turtle what they would better do.

They first built a large house or wigwam. In the middle of this they set up five posts, and covered these posts with moose skins. This made a little tent in the middle of the large wigwam.

When night came on, they built fires in the wigwam outside of the little tent. This lighted up the house where the Indians were seated. Soon the priest came in. Some of the Indians lifted the moose skins on one side of their little tent. The priest crept in on his hands and knees. The little tent began to shake, and from the inside there came sounds like the barking of dogs and the howling of wolves, with screams and sobs, and cries of pain and sorrow. Words were spoken in strange voices, and in a language which nobody could understand. These voices the Indians had heard before, and they thought that they belonged to evil spirits who would tell them lies. When they heard these voices, the Indians hissed. They did not want to hear any spirit but that of the Great Turtle. After a while these frightful noises ceased. There was silence for a time. Then the Indians heard a new voice. It was low and feeble, like the cry of a very young puppy. All the Indians now clapped their hands for joy. They cried out that this was the voice of the Great Turtle, the spirit that never lied.

But now new voices came from the tent. For half an hour there were sounds in many different voices, but none of them were like the priest's own voice. When these sounds were no longer heard, the medicine man spoke in his own voice, and declared that the Great Turtle was present, and would answer any question that might be asked.

The chief of the village now put a large quantity of tobacco into the little tent. This was a sacrifice to the Great Turtle. Then he told the priest to ask the Great Turtle whether the Europeans were coming to make war on them, and whether there were many soldiers at Fort Niagara.

The medicine man put this question to the Great Turtle. The tent began to shake so violently that it seemed about to fall over. Then a loud cry came from the tent. This was to show that the Great Turtle was leaving.

For a quarter of an hour no sound was heard. Then the Great Turtle returned. He now made a long speech to the priest in his little squeaky, puppy voice, but it was spoken in a language which nobody could understand. After the spirit's speech was finished, the medicine man spoke in his own voice, and explained to the people that in the last fifteen minutes the Great Turtle had crossed Lake Huron, and gone to Fort Niagara, hundreds of miles away. Then he had gone on down to Montreal. He said there were not many soldiers at Fort Niagara, but at Montreal the river was covered with boats filled with soldiers. He said the soldiers coming to make war on the Indians were as many as the leaves on the trees. He told the Indians, that, if they would send men to the general of this army, he would make peace with them, and fill their canoes with presents of blankets, kettles, guns, powder, and shot. And he said, what pleased them still more, that the general would give them great barrels of rum.

The Ojibwa Indians were so much delighted with this message, that many of them set out, soon after, to go in boats to make peace with the Europeans. No doubt this humbug of the medicine man was a plan to persuade them to go. Mr. Henry was taken along to act as their friend.


Study the lesson for one week.

Over the week:

  • Read the story multiple times.
  • Read the synopsis.
  • Review the vocabulary terms.
  • Complete the enrichment activities.
  • Study the review questions.


Mr. Alexander Henry, who was living with Ojibwa Indians near Lake Superior, observed an Indian medicine man who claimed to be talking with the Great Turtle, which is one of the gods the Ojibwa Indians believed in. The Ojibwas heard an English army was coming to do battle. They set up a wigwam with a little tent made from moose skins inside. The Indians sat in the wigwam, and the medicine man climbed into the smaller tent. The Ojibwas heard many voices, including one that said it was the spirit of the Great Turtle. The voice claiming to be the Great Turtle told the medicine man to send Indian men to meet with the general of the English army, to make peace with them, and to trade with them. The next day, the Ojibwas sent a group of men, including Mr. Henry, on a journey to meet with the English general.


Medicine Man: A person believed to have magical powers of healing and of seeing into the future; a shaman.
Moose: A large deer with palmate antlers, a sloping back, and a growth of skin hanging from the neck. It is native to northern Eurasia and northern North America.
Wigwam: A dome-shaped hut or tent made by fastening mats, skins, or bark over a framework of poles, used by some North American Indian peoples.
Spirit: A supernatural being.
Humbug: A trickster or deceiver.


Activity 1: Narrate the Lesson

  • After you read the lesson, narrate it aloud using your own words.

Activity 2: Map the Lesson

  • Mr. Alexander Henry lived with the Ojibwa Indians near Lake Superior. Find Lake Superior on the map.
  • Lake Superior is one of the Great Lakes. What are the names of the other Great Lakes shown on the map?

Activity 3: Can You Find It?

In the lesson, the Ojibwa chief asked the medicine man to find out whether there were many soldiers at Fort Niagara.

Find the following in the painting 'Fort Niagara' by Charny:

  • Fort
  • Fort Fence
  • Fort Gate
  • Fort Flag
  • Large Ship
  • Rowboat
  • Dock
  • Lake Ontario

Activity 4: Complete Coloring Pages, Copywork, and Writing   

  • Click the crayon above. Complete pages 39-40 of 'Second Grade American History Coloring Pages, Copywork, and Writing.'


Question 1

Why did the Ojibwa Indians wish to speak to the Great Turtle?
1 / 4

Answer 1

The Ojibwa Indians had heard the English soldiers were coming to attack them and wanted to find a way to avoid fighting.
1 / 4

Question 2

What did the Ojibwas build in preparation for the Great Turtle?
2 / 4

Answer 2

The Ojibwa Indians built a tent of moose skins inside a wigwam.
2 / 4

Question 3

Which of the Ojibwa Indians claimed to communicate with the Great Turtle?
3 / 4

Answer 3

The medicine man of the Ojibwas claimed to communicate with the Great Turtle.
3 / 4

Question 4

What did the medicine man claim the Great Turtle said?
4 / 4

Answer 4

The medicine man claimed the Great Turtle advised them to send Indian men to meet with the general of the English army, to make peace with the English, and to trade with them.
4 / 4

  1. Why did the Ojibwa Indians wish to speak to the Great Turtle? The Ojibwa Indians had heard the English soldiers were coming to attack them and wanted to find a way to avoid fighting.
  2. What did the Ojibwas build in preparation for the Great Turtle? The Ojibwa Indians built a tent of moose skins inside a wigwam.
  3. Which of the Ojibwa Indians claimed to communicate with the Great Turtle? The medicine man of the Ojibwas claimed to communicate with the Great Turtle.
  4. What did the medicine man claim the Great Turtle said? The medicine man claimed the Great Turtle advised them to send Indian men to meet with the general of the English army, to make peace with the English, and to trade with them.


  1. 'Fort Niagara' by Charny (CC BY-SA 3.0). Wikipedia. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Niagara#/media/File:Fort_Niagara.jpg. n.p.